Monday 20 May 2013


Stress is the Response of the body to an unfavourable action , which will takes place in an abnormal chemical and physiological changes takes place in the body.Most of people around us will suffer from stress in their  day to day life.even small childrens also suffering from stress nowadays .And also there are so many disorders related to stress what we feel in our day to day life.
Stress is an abnormal reaction by the body to an abnormal action what we met in our daily life.Stress is mainly related to the Brain activity.When there is an unpleasant activity,brain tend to normalise that activity by releasing some hormones such as cortisol,adrenal steroid hormone etc,.
Some people think that stress is a normal function by the body,but it is a dreadful disorder which will hide its symptoms and signs. 
There is no medicine or tablets which will give permanent relief from stress.But there is a Method and a Practice to cure stress or which will prevents.
The main Symptoms of Stress are the body and the mind react to any stress factor. A large number of physical changes takes place at the time of the stress.The brain and the nervous system become intensely active, the pupils of eye dilates , the digestion slows down , muscles become tense , the heart starts pumping blood harder and faster , blood pressure increases , breathing become faster , hormones such as adrenaline are released into the system along with glucose from liver and sweat starts.
Now in this Blog am going to explain how to prevent and cure your stress through Some Practices and Yoga and Naturopathy.

Yoga and Naturopathy will works on the cell level and also have a great effect on brain,also on the stress causing hormones.

          Coming to Next is the Life style modifications.Most of the people will think that we can everything with just one pill.
Now a days people became very famous with the pills for every disease,they have many more side effects rather than curing the disease.Coming to point many pharma companies releasing new drugs to our evil stress,but they are not working and creating so many other health problems.
In the view of Naturopath stress is a small object which he can cure just like as cold or fever.So in his way of treatment first he will prescribe to change lifestyle means taking the Naturally avaible foods,following the body what it is saying,taking large quanities of water etc,.
Naturopathy believes 5 great principles,those

1.Daily Morning one hour exercise(To improve natural vitality)
2.Pray to God(To keep mind & soul calm and peace)
3.Take 8-10 Liters of Water per Day(To increase elimination)
4.Take only 2 Meals per Day(To avoid Excess fat deposition)
5.Fast one day in a week(To give rest to Whole body)

TREATMENT:- In dealing with stress , the patient should completely change his lifestyle.He should adopt an optimum diet which should be able to meet the nutritional demands of stress. Such diet should obviously be made of foods which in combination, would supply all the essential nutrients.It has been found that a diet which contains liberal quantities of seeds ,nuts ,grains ,vegetables ,fruits which will provide an adequate amount of all the essentials.these foods should be combine with milk ,honey and vegetable oils.
There are many foods which are helpful in meeting the demands of stress and should be taken regularly by the patient.vitamin A,B complex and D will relieves insomnia,migraine and cramps associated with menstruation in ladies.Sunflower seeds,alfalfa,pumpkin seeds and sprouts are rich in calcium and quite effective for anxiety.The leaves of holy basil/Tulsi (ocimum tenuiflorum) are highly beneficial in the treatment of stress.They are regarded as adaptogen or antistress agents.
There are certain foods which are associated with stress and anxiety  and should be strictly avoided by patients.These foods are caffeine and many soft drinks,which cause nervousness,irritability and palpitation; salt which has been associated with heart diseases; cigarettes which cause tension,irritability and sleeplessness and which have been linked with cancer, and alcohol which depletes vitamins of B group consider essential for reducing stress.Regular physical exercise  plays an important role in fight against stress. Exercise not only keeps the body physically and mentally fit, it also provides recreation and mental relaxation in it is nature's best tranquiliser.One can jog,run,walk or play games depend upon one's liking.

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